Inspiration 2.

[A continuation of the other one.  Happy New Year everyone!  Have an inspiring 2013, all the best for the new Year!!!]


I find myself at a loss for inspiration.

I find no sight to enlighten me.

I find the roads a bore.

I find the rivers dry.

I find that even in the dark I cannot see a thing.

I find myself looking for inspiration.


And then I find it.


It comes in an instant;

Spends an eternity arriving;

Appears as a lightbulb;

Lasts for the purpose of creating.


Inspiration is somebody else’s work;

Our moment’s of extreme jealousy;

The work that we are proud of;

The first thing that we create.


It’s a work of art, everybody’s envy;

A beautiful song, the lyrics and melody everyone remembers;

The five line poem, it’s simplicity charms everyone’s souls;

The touching video, it’s purpose only to act as a record.


Inspiration is the triangular shape of a whiskey bottle;

The odd shaped vase on the dining table;

The beautifully intricate carved picture frame on the wall;

The crystal glass miniature on the windowsill.


It’s the French windows your wife insisted on;

The useless sleigh bed that takes up too much space;

The ugly wind chime outside your door;

The plastic yoghurt container that holds the washing implements.


Inspiration is the slowly turning earth;

The image of an exploding nebula;

The thousand stars in the night;

The waning and waxing moon.


It is the abstract pattern of the clouds;

The vibrant colours of nature;

The hot styles of the latest Vogue model;

The stillness of a bowl of fruit.


Inspiration is the sound of a smile;

The taste of a frown;

The feel of a tear;

The sight of a sleeping face.


It is what we want to compose about the most;

What we want to write about the most;

Want to sing about the most;

Want to paint about the most.


Inspiration is the endless magic that fuels our imaginations;

Inspiration is the unknown paradox that circles in our minds;

Inspiration is the term used that describes our admiration;

Inspiration is the glass that shatters upon impact.


It is omnipresent;




6 thoughts on “Inspiration 2.

  1. wonderful words. I love that feeling when it hits you like a bolt from the blue, and the “aha!” is heard down the street, and your girlfriend has to check on you when you’re locked in your studio to make sure you’re alive. Im going to remember these, and print them and hang them in my studio. Thankyou for sharing this with the world

    • Thank you for reading and finding inspiration. Yes, it’s the best thing in the world getting that one sudden strike of inspiration. I find that it startles everyone around me especially when I suddenly tell them to stop talking or I disappear to find my notebook because I really don’t want to forget it. And knowing that I can feel that amazing moment, I realised I really wanted to share it with the world, so thank you for reading and finding it inspiring 🙂

      • No problem. I just had that moment about two hours ago, and now I’ve finished a song to the demo stage, complete with little piano flurries and deep bass. As soon as I listened back I just went “Yes!!!”. Love those moments when I’m truly one with music. Keep up the good work, and stay in touch if you like.

        take it easy

        • That’s great! Yeah, those moments are the best. I love it when I read back what I’ve written in a moment of inspiration, it’s always my best work. It’s more natural, and it turns out better when you’re not pushing the creativity.
          Yeah, take it easy. 🙂

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