Random Music Moment #35

I really liked this group during X-factor.  They’re still pretty new but they work well as a group.  And I’d like for them to be successful.  I don’t like how they were formed.  It was too much like One Direction and it’s a copy you know the whole, the judges thought they were too good to throw away and stuff.   Stuff like that is boring.  But that doesn’t mean they aren’t good singers.  Or at least better than normal.  I dunno.  But they have good voices, voices that’ll get even better over time.  And I hope they’re successful too, I’d like to see them more in the market (even if they’re a little too pop-ish for me) because I think it’d be good if there were more Australian boy bands out there 🙂 (But then again I don’t know how many Aus boy bands there are out there but whatever!).

I guess when it comes to being successful you have to be pretty out there gathering fans and everything.  Music counts too and well if people game them nicknames, Lol that’d be funny hahaha, well whatever!

Good Luck Collective! and to my bloggers enjoy! (or not – this might not suit your tastes…it doesn’t quite suit my tastes but out of the final three for X-Factor 2012 this was my favourite lol)

Today’s RMM is Surrender by The Collective.